

Transcribed from “Horizons” Issue 13, Spring 2004

Telescope donation to ROG for all to use.

The Coronado Ha telescope is presented to NMM Director Roy Clare, by Eddie Yeadon, with members of the Flamsteed Astronomy Society

The Sun as seen through the Coronado telescope

The Friends’ Flamsteed Astronomy Society has donated to the ROG a solar viewing telescope equipped with a Hydrogen-alpha filter.  This special telescope selects only the red light emitted by hydrogen in the outer layers of the Sun, and cuts out the dazzling light emitted due to the very high temperatures.  This makes it possible to see the flares and prominences at the edges of the Sun’s disc, as well as the sunspots and other magnetic disturbances on the surface.  Volunteer members of the FAS will supervise public viewing of the Sun through the telescope when the sky is clear enough, and show visitors that astronomy is not just a night-time activity.