Flamsteed Astronomy Society
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Archived News Items — 2005
July 2005
Tenth planet discovered
New solar system world has a moon
Tenth planet found
Frozen lake shines in Martian crater
Life’s ingredients found in early universe
Distant object found orbiting Sun
Discovery docks with space station
Flaw of averages — Is ordinary matter causing the cosmos to accelerate?
Falling foam grounds shuttle fleet
Pluto’s moon lines up
The life and times of Sirius B
Galaxy’s hidden arms revealed
Mars radar returns cryptic data
Has Huygens found life on Titan?
Supernova surprise
Google launches interactive Moon map
Four billion year chill on Mars
First planet under three suns
Oldest dust disk challenges theories
Deep impact was a dust-up
Supernova record
Bizarre boulders litter Saturn moon
New X-ray observatory launched
Experiment shows how jets form
History’s greatest comet hunter
Saturn’s rings sparkling with X-rays
Deep Impact ‘smashing success’
Probe strikes comet Tempel 1
Probe heads for comet collision
Largest hard core of exoplanet yet
Most distant Einstein ring yet
Saturn’s rings have own atmosphere
July Astro Bytes
August 2005
Meteor trail reveals large particles
Space penguin to the Moon
Water plume from Saturn moon
Space telescope birthday treat
Galactic collision
Earth’s core rotating faster than crust
Survey shows cosmic ‘downsizing’
Saturn’s rings have atmosphere
Supernova shockwave creates halo
Black Hole births are messy
Asteroid target spotted
The Bar at the centre of the Galaxy
Cosmonaut clocks up record
Galaxy Tracker to probe dark energy
Tenth planet may be bigger than thought
China satellite on track
Perseids 2005: First report
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launch
Hidden hungry Black Holes
Clue to glowing X-ray sky
First triple asteroid system found
Cosmic explosion mystery unravelled
X-ray instrument loses its cool
Spirit hits paydirt
Discovery returns safely
Teens urged to be future thinkers
Cosmic rays ‘harm pilots’ sight’
Best images of Saturn’s aurorae
Astronaut fixes shuttle problem
Sun’s loops weave a tangled tale
Titan dry as a bone?
Closing in on GRBs
Moon’s nitrogen may be from Earth
Methane on Mars: the plot thickens
The battle of the names
Cosmic rays may prevent space travel
August astro-bytes
September 2005
Deuterium signature clue
Save the leap second!
Yerkes a snip at $4.5 mills?
Happy birthday, E=mc squared
Big baby galaxies in early universe
Massive young galaxy surprise
Dusty old star window on the future?
Ferreting out first stars
Shock evidence for cosmic rays
Star disk mystery around black hole
Comet Tempel 1 origin?
Huge ‘spear’ on Tethys
NASA lunar exploration architecture
Cassini spots ghostly spokes in rings
New generation GPS satellite
When is a planet not a planet?
Ring of stars round Andromeda’s heart
Dark matter basketballs could explain a lot
NASA Moon plan too costly
Moon plan ‘comes up short’
NASA return to Moon by 2020
Apollo on steroids
Sir Hermann Bondi dies
Cassini sees ‘dusty spokes’
Birthplace of Mars meteorite
Ansel Adams encore
Orphaned quasar seeks galaxy
Solar flare causes blackouts
Could Earth survive Sun?
Hamburger asteroid
Comet’s minerals hint at liquid water
Distant body may be cigar-shaped
Deep Impact ejected stuff of life
Spiral around Saturn’s outer ring
Mars probe freezes — bl***y computers!
First light for SALT giant
Dead galaxies defy theories
Behaviour of space radiation explained
Asteroid probe on close approach
Most distant cosmic blast
Titan occupies ‘sweet spot’
Hubble movie of Neptune’s atmosphere
Fastest pulsar to escape Milky Way
Clue to start of universe
September astro bytes
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