Flamsteed Astronomy Society

“The Universe in 3-D” by Greg Smye-Rumsby — January 11, 2010

Greg has been delivering this super presentation for a couple of years now, including his appearance at AstroFest in 2009.  His engagement at the Flamsteed, one of his local societies, was long overdue.

Some members had braced themselves for a challenging bout of string theory — “Three dimensions?  I thought you needed 22!” — so Greg’s outstanding gallop around the Universe in three dimensional stereoscopic images came as a very welcome surprise.

Greg has developed a splendid collection of stereoscopic astronomical images, many of which he has created himself using ‘SSSR’ in Photoshop to simulate 3-D.  Of course, there are no true ‘3-D’ astronomical images based on the 60mm separation of the human eyeball Mk I.  Even ‘true’ 3-D has been generated by progressive images typically shot from a moving spacecraft where the stereo separation is much, much greater.

An excellent evening!


Greg Smye-Rumsby [Pic: Mike Dear]

The Flamsteed audience getting ready to enjoy Greg’s images — More world-class faffing about from the Flamsteed!  [Pic: Mike Dear]

Eddie tooled-up for 3-D action

[Pic: Mike Dear]

“Now if we imagine the Universe to be the size of this chocolate biscuit ...”  Is Roger preparing a Flamsteed talk?

[Pic: Mike Dear]